Purposeful Impact with Crystal Wagner

151: Struggling to create a positive home atmosphere? This simple practice will help!

Crystal Wagner Episode 151

Have you noticed that we tend to believe the stories we tell or tell ourselves?

  • I'm not beautiful. I need to lose x amount of weight before I'll look good.
  • Why can't you be more careful? You're so clumsy!
  • You're so smart. I wish I thought like you do.
  • You're so kind and caring. I love how you talk to your sister.

It's like shining a flashlight on the path ahead. We focus our attention where the light shines. The same principle applies to the words we use. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. We start to live up to what others tell us or "shine the light on."

In this episode, we're talking about how you can change where you shine your flashlight so you can change the atmosphere of your home. 

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