Purposeful Impact with Crystal Wagner

153: Feel like you are hitting your head against the wall teaching your children life skills? Hang in there!

Crystal Wagner Episode 153

Sometimes, parenting feels like we're trapped in the movie Groundhog Day. 🤪 We say the same thing over and over, and we wonder if anything is sinking in. 

Repeatedly in our 19 years of parenting, God has reminded me that my role is to plant seeds. Sometimes, I have the privilege of watering them and watching them bloom. Other times, my role was simply to prepare the ground and plant the seed. Regardless of how much of the growth process I am involved in, the first step of preparing the ground and planting the seed is an important one!

Even though I know how important it is, it can still be frustrating when I don't see progress or someone else gets credit for the progress. This is normal, and it's okay to experience this emotion. I choose not to stay there, though. I remind myself that I planted the seed and watered it, and God allowed someone else or some other event to be the prompting for understanding to take hold. God has been gracious to provide encouragement for me to keep going.

In this episode, I want to share some encouragement to help you hang in there when it feels like you are not making any progress.

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