Purposeful Impact with Crystal Wagner

155: Do you feel like a deer in the headlights when faced with a decision? How to use an SOP to reduce decision fatigue.

Crystal Wagner Episode 155

Do you suffer from decision fatigue? Decision fatigue is when you become physically, mentally, and emotionally depleted when you have to make too many decisions. Some sources have suggested we make an average of 35,000 decisions a day. No wonder moms suffer from this condition! Add, on top of the normal decisions we make, our children's unending requests that we have to decide how to respond!

Even if you weren't familiar with the term "decision fatigue," I bet you have experienced it. Common symptoms include:

  • Procrastinating because you don't know what to do next.
  • Not knowing how to respond to someone when they ask what you want.
  • Not knowing how to respond when your child asks for something or to do something.
  • Feeling brain dead or having brain fog.
  • You could even have physical symptoms such as headaches, eye twitches, and nausea. 

What can we do to overcome decision fatigue? In this episode, we'll discuss how to use an SOP to reduce your decision fatigue.

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