Purposeful Impact with Crystal Wagner

159: What do I do now that I have a strengths assessment report?

Crystal Wagner Episode 159

I've taken many personality assessments over the years. I'm sure it has something to do with my top talent themes of learner, input, and maximizer. I enjoy learning about different assessments, about myself, and how I can improve based on what I learn. 

Too often though, I've taken an assessment and thought how accurate the results are and then put the report on the shelf. It didn't change any of my behavior or future plans. I've not found this to be true of the CliftonStrengths or Enneagram assessments. I continue to use them on a weekly and sometimes daily basis.

I was talking about the CliftonStrengths report with some coach friends. One asked what she could do with these results. This episode is basically the answer that I gave her. I hope it helps you see how you can use your top talent themes (or what you naturally do well).

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