Purposeful Impact with Crystal Wagner

162: 3 Reasons Why Your Parenting Style Must Change As Your Children Mature

Crystal Wagner Episode 162

Have you thought, "If only parenting came with an instruction manual?!" Me, too! It seems that when we finally figure out how to handle a situation, our children change. What was working no longer works! It can be infuriatingly frustrating at times. We scramble to talk to friends, read books, and search the Internet to figure out what to do. I've been frustrated by this at times until I realized that it is a natural part of life as we progress through the stages of the Influence Factor Parenting Continuum™.

As I learned to embrace the shift from control to influence, I have deepened my relationship with my children and become more secure in allowing them to explore and spread their wings. But it hasn't been easy! My first step was to recognize and acknowledge why it was necessary to change my perspective and parenting style. Shifting my mindset gave me encouragement when the transition was difficult. In this episode, I'm sharing the three motivations I keep in mind as I move along the Influence Factor Parenting Continuum™.

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